CoRL 2018
CoRL2018 - Conference on Robot Learning 2018
2018 edition of the Conference on Robot Learning was held in Zürich, Switzerland on Oct. 29-31 2018
CoRL 2018 Proceedings are available as 87 volume of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR)
You can watch video recordings of CoRL 2018:
CoRL'18 Awards:
Best systems paper awards:
Deep Drone Racing: Learning Agile Flight in Dynamic Environments by Elia Kaufmann, Antonio Loquercio, Rene Ranftl, Alexey Dosovitskiy, Vladlen Koltun, Davide Scaramuzza
QT-Opt: Scalable Deep Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Robotic Manipulation by Julian Ibarz, Dmitry Kalashnikov, Peter Pastor, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Deirdre Quillen, Alexander Herzog, Sergey Levine, Vincent Vanhoucke, Ethan Holly, Eric Jang, Alex Irpan
Best Paper Award:
Dense Object Nets: Learning Dense Visual Object Descriptors By and For Robotic Manipulation by Lucas Manuell, Peter R Florence, Russ Tedrake
Best Presentation Award:
Gregory Stein
Keynote speakers
Danica Kragic, KTH
Marc Toussaint, University of Stuttgart
Leslie Kaelbling, MIT
Daisuke Okanohara, Preferred Networks
Joelle Pineau, McGill University
Masahiro Fujita, SONY corp.
Tutorial speakers
Benjamin Recht, UC Berkeley
Jean-Jacques Slotine, MIT
Masashi Sugiyama, University of Tokyo
Emanuel Todorov, University of Washington
Organizing Committee
CoRL 2018 Chairs
Aude Billard, EPFL - General Chair
Roland Siegwart, ETHZ - co-General Chair
CoRL 2018 Local Chairs
Cesar Cadena, ETHZ
Davide Scaramuzza, UNIZH
CoRL 2018 Sponsor Chairs
Margarita Chli, ETHZ
Torsten Kroeger, KIT - Chair
Roberto Calandra, UC Berkeley - co-Chair
CoRL 2018 Area Chairs
Abdeslam Boularias, Rutgers University
Abhinav Gupta, CMU
Ashwin Dani, Univ. of Connecticut
Byron Boots, Georgia Institute of Technology
Chelsea Finn, UC Berkeley
Dorsa Sadigh, Stanford University
Eiji Uchibe, ATR Computational Neurosciece Labs.
Elmar Rueckert, University of Luebeck
George Konidaris, Brown University
Gerhard Neumann, Lincoln University
Guilherme Maeda, ATR
Heni Ben Amor, Arizona State University
Herke van Hoof, McGill University
Honglak Lee, University of Michingan Ann Arbor, USA
Igor Mordatch, OpenAI
Jeannette Bohg, Stanford University
Jens Kober, TU Delft
Jianxiong Xiao, AutoX
Jonas Buchli, ETH
Joni Pajarinen, Technische Universitat Darmstadt
Jun Nakanishi, Nagoya University
Karen Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Leslie Kaelbling, MIT
Manuel Lopes, INRIA
Marco Pavone, Stanford University
Oliver Kroemer, University of Southern California
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Inria
Raia Hadsell, Google Deepmind
Riad Akrour, TU Darmstadt
Sergey Levine, UC Berkeley
Sonia Chernova, Georgia Institute of Technology
Stefanie Tellex, Brown University
Takamitsu Matsubara, NAIST
Takayuki Osa, Univ. of Tokyo
Tetsunari Inamura, NII Japan
Torsten Kroeger, KIT
Toussaint Marc, Univ. of Stuttgart
Tucker Hermans, University of Utah
Vincent Vanhoucke, Google
Vladlen Koltun, Intel Labs
Wataru Takano, University of Tokyo
Wolfram Burgard, University of Freiburg
CoRL 2018 Program Chairs
Anca Dragan, UC Berkeley
Jun Morimoto, ATR
Jan Peters, TU Darmstadt
CoRL Steering Committee
Abhinav Gupta, CMU
Aude Billard, EPFL
Dieter Fox, University of Washington
J. Andrew Bagnell, CMU
Jan Peters, TU Darmstadt
Joelle Pineau, McGill University
Ken Goldberg, UC Berkeley
Leslie P. Kaelbling, MIT
Michael I. Jordan, UC Berkeley
Minoru Asada, Osaka University
Paul Newman, Oxford
Peter Corke, QUT
Pieter Abbeel, UC Berkeley
Raia Hadsell, DeepMind
Sergey Levine, UC Berkeley
Stefan Schaal, USC
Stefanie Tellex, Brown University
Vincent Vanhoucke, Google
Wolfram Burgard, University of Freiburg
CoRL 2018 Local Arrangements
Cornelia Della Casa, ETHZ
CoRL 2018 Webmaster
Michael Bombile, EPFL
CoRL 2018 Sponsors
Diamond sponsors
Platinum sponsors
Gold sponsors
Silver sponsors
Institutional sponsors
Journal of Machine Learning Research: proceedings publication
International Foundation of Robotics Research: organizational support